No matter how much I travel, packing is still a daunting task for me. And with almost all airlines now charging for a checked bag, the cost of packing is starting to add up.
Always on the look-out for tips, a recent article entitled The Essential International Packing List by Ed Hewitt and published in SmarterTravel caught my eye.
I was drawn in by the word ‘Essential’ and as I read through the list it dawned on me – there are only two items of clothing on the list – socks and a hat! That’s a scary thought for me, and probably for most travellers I know. The images are swirling around in my mind as I write this post.
However, in fairness to Mr. Hewitt, he did say it was specific to international travel and that he does have other packing lists. His list is a very thorough and useful one for anyone heading away. I’ve summarized his essential packing list below:
Essential Packing List:
- Current Passport
- Backup Copy of Your Passport
- Insurance Information
- Adaptor with USB Slots
- Credit and Debit Cards with No Foreign Transaction Fee
- International Driving Permit
- Belt with Plastic Buckle
- Compression Socks
- Sunhat
- Language Translation App on Your Phone
- Car Charger
- Medications
- Extra Contacts and Glasses
- Anything for Which You Are Loyal to One Brand
- Anything You’d Be Afraid to Purchase in Another Language

You can read the entire article here.
Whether you are travelling solo or with a small group, this list is a good guide as you plan your packing. The items are essential because they would be difficult and inconvenient to replace if lost. However, I think I will still include something essential that fits between the socks and hat. Just saying.
If you have any expert packing tips, feel free to share them with us.
Happy travels wherever you go, and stay safe too!